PRESERVING AND Celebrating American History
Placing wreaths to honor our military heroes as part of Wreaths Across America.
Monthly chapter donations to HAWC (Healing Abuse Working for Change) organization in Salem.
Chapter member Erica Edwards collected two dozen backpacks and filled them with school supplies. These were donated to the Salem School system for children in need. Erica is shown here with Jodie Connolly, the Homeless Education Liaison for the Salem School system.
2020 Boston Massacre Tercentenary Celebration with President General Denise Doring Van Buren
This year’s Historic Preservation chapter project. We received a DAR Historic Preservation Grant for St. Peter’s Church in Salem, Massachusetts to repair broken headstones.
Bakers Island Lighthouse partial reconstruction
Our chapter was able to secure two grants from NSDAR to help in the restoration of the Bakers Island Light House in Salem Harbor, Salem, Massachusetts.
Special guests at our chapter meeting - Lexington Minutemen
Service to America projects: We made 30 stuffed bears and donated them to local First Responders along with making many lap blankets and donating them to the Project Linus organization.
Chase the Chill program in Salem. We collected and donated over 150 hats, mittens, scarves, sweaters, and blankets this year to help those in need.
Our chapter volunteered to maintain a garden in downtown Salem for the Salem Beautification Committee. Thank you to chapter member, Barbara Rafferty, who made a sign for us to display.
We collected over 300 pounds of food over the year through monthly donations for the local food pantry, Haven From Hunger.
Memorial Day remembrance service for chapter namesake.
Chapter Member Judy McCarthy was honored for her military service at the MDAR meeting.
Every Memorial Day, we honor our chapter namesake, Colonel Timothy Pickering, with a memorial service at his grave at the Broad St. Cemetery in Salem, Massachusetts. This year we were appropriately distanced and masked!
Memorial Day 2022 - Honoring our chapter namesake
Sneaker drive for residents of the Soldiers Home in Chelsea
The Colonel Timothy Pickering Chapter, NSDAR, enjoyed a wonderful meeting in honor of our Vietnam veterans. Brigadier General John N. Dailey, retired U.S. Army, gave a fascinating speech about his 31 years of service in the U.S. Army. Our speaker served two tours of Vietnam and flew over 3,000 combat hours. He is truly an amazing man who has contributed so much to our country and it was an honor to have him as a speaker.
U.S. Army Brigadier General John N. Dailey and several other veterans were honored for their valiant services to our country during the meeting. The Colonel Timothy Pickering Chapter also collected a large number of donations for the local VA Medical Center and thanks everyone who made a donation; and we continue to support and honor veterans throughout the year.
Our chapter participated in the national salute to hospitalized veterans at the Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Veterans Hospital by visiting patients.
The Pickering Players - Rebecca Nurse portrayed by Donna Chamberlain
Our annual holiday party complete with a surprise visit from Santa Claus!
Another year of The Pickering Players. This year the theme was women heroes of the Revolutionary War.
Our spring fashion show was a success and so much fun!
Clipping coupons for our overseas service members.
Summer Fun with a Bingo Fundraiser!